
Can You Heal Yourself?

A Brief Introduction of Reiki

We find ourselves in a daily bombardment of health and healing media, it’s exhausting, overwhelming, and simply confusing. Perhaps we’re being told contradictions or feel uncertain about what past practitioners have suggested. While there is an abundance of health in media, I’m here to share a quick introduction to Reiki.

My name is Alaura, as well as being a Reiki Practitioner, I am also certified in Women’s Hormone Health, Yoga and Pilates, and a Doula (Fertility Specialist). Currently, I am studying Herbal Medicine and Nutrition.

Reiki may seem like a recent phenomenon exploding online; however, the idea has actually been around for hundreds of years. In the video attached, we’ll explore a light history of Reiki followed by how it works and who can receive and provide. Next, I’ll go through what to expect at a session, and finally my final thoughts on health and healing.

Reiki is not a trend, it is a serious form of traditional healing which has roots in many areas, and beliefs. It’s important to remain open-minded and curious about the true meaning of ‘healing’ to you. Many try to define or box up this term in their own experiences, but in truth, it’s a journey present for our entire lives. It is not linear and there’s no fix-all solution. No, not even Reiki. You have to put in the care and compassion, which can be difficult. Be mindful of the overstimulation and information load you take in.

If you’re at a place in your journey that you feel Reiki could support you, reach out. Visit me or someone near you if you’re located in another area. I hope you continue to learn and explore the many offerings complementary and natural medicine have to offer.

Written by Alaura Grace