The Knee

One of the most commonly injured areas we see in our clinic is the knee. The Knee is a hinge joint, which is the connection of the femur (upper leg), and the tibia (lower leg) bones.

There are four major ligaments stabilizing the knee: the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments, as well as the medial and lateral collateral ligaments.

The knee also contains two rings of cartilage, called the medial and lateral meniscus, respectively. These cartilage rings help with shock absorption and help to increase the stability of the knee joint.

There are also several muscles that act to move the knee including the quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteus muscles, adductor (groin) muscles, calves, as well as the iliotibial band.

Types of Injuries

There are several common injuries that can occur to the knee. Some of the more common ones include:

Ligament Injuries
Anterior Cruciate/Posterior Cruciate
Medial/Lateral Collateral
Patellar Fractures
Menisci Tears

Cartilage in the knee has poor blood supply. Due to this, deeper tears in the cartilage tend to heal poorly.

There are also several chronic knee conditions that can cause pain, such as:

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
This condition usually causes anterior (front) knee pain, and usually is a result of chronic physical stress to the knee over time

Jumper’s Knee
An injury to the patellar tendon (the tendon that attaches the quadriceps muscles to the lower leg)

A wearing away of the cartilage around the knee joint. This usually occurs with age, but can also be caused by injuries to the knee
Common symptoms include pain, stiffness and swelling around the knee joints

What can we do?

As an Athletic Therapist, I can perform an in-depth assessment to determine the exact cause of your knee pain. A detailed treatment plan will be then be put together, which could include:

  • Massage to help reduce tight muscles around the knee
  • Acupuncture or Cupping to help reduce pain and swelling around the knee
  • Exercises to help increase the stability of the knee joint by increasing the strength of surrounding muscles.
  • Stretches to improve flexibility of surrounding muscles to help reduce pressure on the knee
  • Hot/Cold application for pain relief
  • TENS therapy to help reduce pain.
  • Acupuncture


A connection to hip and pelvic stability is also commonly seen in individuals suffering knee pain or injuries. Poor hip strength can cause our hips to rotate out of position which can put more pressure on the structures of the lower leg, including the knee and ankle joints.
Hip strength and stability can be assessed during an initial assessment to ensure the entire body is strong and stable.

Athletic Therapists can fully assess your knee injury and provide you with the best possible care to ensure you can return to your normal lifestyle pain-free! Athletic Therapy is also a great compliment to Chiropractic care.

If you have any questions or would like to book an initial assessment, feel free to contact us at the clinic at 204-951-6887!

Daniel Rudy CAT(C)
Certified Athletic Therapist