Now that we’ve been open for a week, we are very comfortable and are feeling confident with how the clinic has been flowing.

This is what it has been like….

We are calling patients ahead of time to pre-screen with a few simple questions to ensure it is safe for them to be in the clinic. Everybody that walks in is being pre-screened a second time just in case (we’ve had zero issues thus far!).

We are asking everyone to use hand sanitizer or to wash their hands as soon as they enter, everybody is practicing physical distancing, and we are spacing out appointments to limit the number of people in the clinic at any given time.

We are asking patients to pay through touchless methods (discouraging cash when possible).

And we as practitioners and staff are all wearing PPE (masks and gloves at a minimum).  We are finding many of you are as well, and although you aren’t required to, we do appreciate if you are able to.

Overall, everything has been smooth, and everyone has been cooperating very nicely.

So thank you everyone for abiding by these new guidelines. It is working well, and we are going to continue to rock n’ roll and move forward.

If you need to book or have any questions, simply reply to this email,

Or give us a call.  We look forward to seeing you when you are ready.

Yours in health.

Dr. Arora

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