Dear Patient,

We hope you are doing well and practicing as much self isolation and social distancing as possible.

Let’s continue to work together to fight this virus.

As mentioned in our previous email, we had been preparing for Virtual Care,

And we are now ready to provide that for you.

Virtual Care means we can work through video (or phone) with you if you need us.

I myself am available for consultations and can answer your questions,

Which can be relevant to your existing condition(s), or related to a new concern or problem.

Ashley and Dan, our Athletic Therapists, and Curtis, our Physiotherapist,

Can also provide education, guided movement based therapy, and pain management strategies for you.

Our Virtual Care is easily provided through Jane, our booking system.

And the sessions are HIPPA complaint, and are completely secure.

Keep in mind we understand that Virtual Care cannot replace face to face care.

But if you need us, we will be here for you during this time.

For billing, MPI, WCB, Canada Life, Blue Cross, and Sunlife have all indicated they will be covering the fees in some capacity.

Please note that although we are able to bill MPI and WCB directly for the visits,

We will be unable to bill the others. But we would provide you receipts for reimbursement.

Our fees would be the same as our regular treatment fees.

If you are interested in booking, please email us at

We will be checking our emails regularly.

Ashley’s clients can also contact her direct at 204-999-7802.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email us.

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